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Why Project Management Matters – An Insight from Ivan Erviti


The significance of projects for companies cannot be understated. Companies invest substantial amounts of capital in projects because they seek solutions to pressing problems or opportunities for growth. However, successfully executing projects while managing day-to-day operations can be challenging. Throughout the project lifecycle, unexpected issues such as unforeseen costs, delays, lack of accountability, and conflicts can arise, especially as projects become more complex. This is where effective project management becomes crucial.


Project EngineeringAt Protolan, Our Project Managers assumes responsibility for the project, ensuring proper planning, coordination, and execution of different activities. With a proficient Project Manager leading the way, Protolan ensures project resources are efficiently allocated, communication flows seamlessly between stakeholders, and problems are detected and addressed proactively.


Effective project management significantly enhances the chances of a project progressing smoothly and delivering the expected results. We had a conversation with Ivan, a member of our Project Engineering Management team at Protolan, and we asked him about the key qualities that define a notable project manager. Here is the valuable insight he shared with us:


What sets a Project Manager apart are not just individual skills, but a combination of skills working in harmony”, Ivan continued…



A competent Project Manager stays two steps ahead, constantly monitoring for potential issues. They maintain ongoing communication with stakeholders to ensure each stage of the project meets expectations and keeps everyone informed.


They possess in-depth knowledge of various project areas, proactively seeking to understand every aspect of the project by asking pertinent questions. For example, when dealing with equipment installation, they would go beyond basic details like lead time and price and delve into operational impacts, required services, logistical considerations, and safety compliance.

Interpersonal Skills

Project Managers need to collaborate with contractors, suppliers, on-site managers, operatives, and clients. They effectively coordinate their efforts, ensuring timely and budget-conscious delivery while providing support to overcome challenges.


To illustrate the impact of project management, a specific example stands out. During a project with a renowned manufacturer, the installation of a temporary building and subsequent bottle packing line had strict timelines due to another project’s impending capital investment. However, a significant issue emerged when leaks were discovered in the building’s roof during construction. Recognising the potential impact on the project’s timeline, we took swift action. We prioritised specific areas of the building installation to ensure a dry environment for equipment installation. Coordination and organisation were crucial in managing the workload and avoiding conflicts between different contractor teams. By communicating the revised schedule to all parties involved and coordinating their efforts, we successfully mitigated risks and ensured the project was delivered on time despite the unforeseen challenges.


This example highlights the added value of effective project management. It showcases the ability to adapt, prioritise, and coordinate resources in order to overcome obstacles and deliver successful outcomes.


What truly sets Protolan apart in the realm of project management is our comprehensive understanding of the intricacies and nuances of the food and drink industry. Armed with a wealth of knowledge and insights gained through numerous successful projects, Protolan has established themselves as the go-to partner for food and drink businesses seeking transformative solutions.


About Ivan

Ivan joined Protolan from completing the Management Development Services Internship Programme. He is a driven food industry professional with over three years of managerial experience in international projects with a capital investment of up to £1,000,000. He is passionate about helping food companies produce high-quality foods in the most efficient and sustainable way. Find out more about our team here.

